All of our patterns have the skill level indicated in the shop section.
There are three levels of skill capability that we’ve categorised. All our styles are classic soft separates and dresses that can be worn most days. None are tailored, or outerwear/coats, swimwear or underwear. Those are the sort of thing that require a bit more skill and handling experience.
Here are the skill categories:
Novice – If you’ve used a sewing machine before and had a play around, made a few small projects and so on. Now you’d love to have a go at sewing a garment, you can choose any of our styles with “Novice” against them and get going on a very easy make. It won’t have zips, buttonholes, or anything too tricky that will make you walk away and think you can’t do it. It should be easy enough to make in an hour or two.
Intermediate – Here is where most of our styles lie. They’re easy makes, some can take some time, others are quick makes. There’s nothing too tricky here though if you’ve made a garment or two before and your confidence is building.
Experienced – These styles are a bit more time consuming. They may have a bit more detail on such as zips, buttonholes, binding or linings. I still think most people can make these with a bit of time and patience. Most experience I think comes from being good at the handling of the fabric as you’re sewing. That’s the best way to achieve the perfect garment. You only get that with time spent at your machine.
The people who are the best sewers are often also the best un-pickers!